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A Little More About Me


I'm starting off my blog series with a little more formal introduction. Well "formal" might be the wrong word, but I wanted to share some more facts about myself. I never liked the term "fun facts" because I always struggled to come up with something that sounded fun. My brain would immediately forget anything and everything interesting about myself. I do that with movies too. If you ever ask me what my favorite movie is, I will instantly forget every movie I have ever seen. Does this happen to anybody else?

Can you answer questions about your favorite movie, tv show, book...etc?

  • I have them down to a science.

  • Yes! So easy!

  • No. My brain forgets all content.

  • Depends on the day

Luckily, I can talk about books! Regardless, here are some boring facts about me, that I hope lets you get to know me a bit better!

Jenna's Boring Facts (in no particular order)

  • I am a twin! I have a twin brother who is a foot taller than me. No we are not identical.

  • I am left handed. The world was not designed for us, but I think we are cooler.

  • I am gluten free and dairy free. But I have a major sweet tooth. So I am always on the hunt for the best GF/DF treats.

  • I am a dog person. I have a service dog named Hamilton. (Yes, after the musical!) He is amazing and inspires a lot of my writing.

  • Even though I'm a dog person, my fierce, wonderful agent is part of The CAT Agency. So cats aren't so bad.

  • I am not a morning bird or a night owl. I am some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon.

  • My favorite time of day is sunset.

  • I am a beach gal.

  • I have weak vocal cords. I once lost my voice for over a year!

  • I love musical theater. I used to perform a lot. Even took improv classes. But now I prefer to be an audience member.

  • Nicknames I go by: JJ, Jen, Small One, J

  • I don't enjoy sour foods, but my favorite candy is sour patch kids. And chocolate! (If it's dairy free.) Before I was gluten and dairy free, my favorite candy was 3 Musketeers.

  • I will eat pancakes anytime, anywhere!

  • My favorite colors are blue and purple. (Can you tell from the website design?)

  • I LOVE iced coffee. But I can't do high amounts of caffeine. So, decaf is my friend.

  • My first car was a yellow VW beetle. Or "punch buggy" as some people call them. I no longer drive, but I loved that car.

  • I have wanted to write picture books since I could read them. But I was too afraid to say it out loud until a few years ago.

  • I'm allergic to bee stings.

  • I'm a bookseller at my local independent bookstore. It's named after the owner's golden retriever, Ruby. She's my favorite coworker!

  • I am also an elementary school teacher. I teach part time now, for kids who are homeschooled. It's awesome!

  • Being an author is my favorite job!

I plan on sharing a new blog post about once a month. That's not a hard deadline, though. I was going to share this post in January, but the year started off with a big wave of grief. Thankfully, writing is a respite for me. I might share some cool things my students are doing at school. How we are playing with picture books. Perhaps I might share about what books we are reading for my bookstore's junior book club. (Meant for ages 8-12.) I'll share what I'm currently reading, or want to read. Maybe thoughts about some WIP's. General writing musings. Writing prompts? Fun stories about Hamilton. Hopefully some good news! Of course, I'd always love to hear from you, too!

If you got this far, thanks for reading! I hope you know me a little better now. :)

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Jenna Elyse Johnson | Kidlit Author
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