Hello my fellow kidlit friends! It's been a minute. But happy July! Happy Summer Break! And welcome to Disability Pride Month.
Admittedly, I haven't posted in a while because I have been struggling with my health. I have also been busy working on other writing projects, which I hope to share with you soon! But, mostly, I haven't wanted to come on here and share the struggles of my chronic illness and disability. Yet, here we are, now in Disability Pride Month, so I figured I could open up, just a little.
Disability Pride Month happens every July and, I'm happy to report, is a global celebration! It marks the Americans with Disabilities Act's (ADA) anniversary, which passed in July of 1990. Disability Pride Month challenges ablesim and discrimination that the disability community faces on a daily basis. At it's heart, this month is about embracing life, promoting inclusivity, reducing stigma, highlighting the importance of a diverse community, and redefining the power dynamic that is shaping our society. 1 in 4 adults in the US has a disability, and that number is going up. It's time we stop being ashamed of disability.
So, how can you celebrate Disability Pride Month? One easy way is to amplify Disabled Creatives! Read books by Disabled authors and illustrators! Listen to music by Disabled Artists. Watch movies with Disabled actors.
Author Sydney Langford, (@slangwrites) whose debut book, THE LOUDEST SILENCE, comes out later this month, posted a fantastic thread about disability, ableism, pride and how to be an ally during Disability Pride Month. I really couldn't have said it better myself, so I've shared some of her slides below. Side note: if you can, preorder her book!
A bookstagrammer I follow also conveniently curated a list of 30 must-read picture books to celebrate disability pride. Normally, this is something I would do myself, but I have been low on spoons lately, so I am going to thank @readingwithredandthemagpie for this list and share it with you! I will also add one book she did not mention, which is the wonderful DANCING WITH DADDY by Anitra Rowe Schulte and Ziyue Chen. That will forever be one of my favorite picture books. Next fall, I will have my own (still unannounced) picture book that will be added to this list! And then one more in the winter, as well! 😍
What I'm Working On:
I find that my brain works best when I can bounce back and forth between multiple projects, instead of just focusing on one precious project. Does anybody else feel that way? With that in mind, I am currently juggling 3 different picture book manuscripts, all in different stages, and all with very specific goals for each story. One is just about ready for submission! My agent and I are suuuuper excited for this one! I have high, high hopes for it and hope that editors love it just as much as I do. But I never know what editors are thinking. I have one manuscript that I am preparing for an exclusive submission. My agent and I are being really strategic about this submission and keeping our fingers crossed! And I have big plans for my third manuscript. Right now, it can stand on it's own. But I would love for it to be a part of a series! Picture book series are a tough sell. But I think I have something here, so my agent and I working closely to see how we can best prepare this sweet story for the submission trenches.
In the back of my mind, I have an inlking of an idea brewing for my next two picture book ideas. As well as an idea for a board book or early reader series. (I haven't decided yet!) And possibly my next chapter book series idea! (I am still waiting to hear about my chapter book series out on submission.) New ideas are always so fun! 💡
Of course, with it already being July, that means we are halfway through the year. AND halfway through the 12x12 challenge! Luckily, I'm pleased to report that I've writted 7 new picture book drafts this year, so I am actually a bit above schedule. AND I actually like 5 of those stories! Which is a much better ratio than I had last year.
Today also marks the beginning of Andrew Hacket's Daily Dozen Summer Writing Challenge! I am very excited about this because sometimes I need accountability to make sure that I am actually writing. The challenge is simple. Write or create new material for 12 minutes a day for the next two months. Just 12 minutes. I'm not going to lie, there's one week in July that might be a struggle because I'm getting surgery. And August miiiiiiight be a struggle for me, as I will be traveling to Australia!! (I still can't believe it!!) But I can do 12 minutes. Right? If nothing else, I am going to have lots of new story inspiration! Anybody else want to join the challenge with me? Find more info here.
Something else I think I want to do this month is a poetry prompt challenge I came across on X/Twitter today. An author/poet I follow shared this, since July is her birthday month. This is all in good fun. No prizes. No contest. No rules. Poems can be written in any form. This is just for the fun of writing. I love poetry, but don't think that I am a particularly talented poet. The only way I will get better is if I read AND write more poetry! This is a great low stakes way to do just that! But again, I am not putting too much pressure on myself. I've had low spoons lately, so if I slack here, it's okay. Prompts provided by Christiana Doucette. (Happy early birthday!)
Read with Jenna:
I read mostly audio books nowadays! I find that funny to admit, since I am a kidlit author and also a bookseller who often hand-sells books to customers. But I firmly beleive that audiobooks are books. Reading is reading is reading. That's what I tell my students. Right before school got out, we made mini tote bags that could perfectly fit a book. My students surprised me by making ME one! So, I always make sure to have at least one print book I'm reading, as well. You know, to use the tote!
My sweet spot is middle grade and I even lead a junior book club at my local independent book store! This month's book: SHEETS by Brenna Thummler.
(Side note: Our JBC attendance has been rather low lately. Any tips to brng more kids in? I think they are excited about reading a graphic novel this month!)
I also joined our boostore's newest book club, Sweet Escapes, which features romance books! We just read THE SEVEN YEAR SLIP! I unfortunately missed the meeting due to seizures, but loved the book! I liked Ashley Poston so I am currently listening to her newest novel A NOVEL LOVE STORY. I'm not sure what I think yet.
I'm very excited to start a new audiobook tonight by a Deaf and Disabled author, Anna Sorito. Her book ON THE BRGHT SIDE comes out tomorrow! (I have an ALC.) I loved her last book GIVE ME A SIGN.
A picture book I've been using as a comp, and I think is just perfect for July is I LOVE STRAWBERRIES by Shannon Anderson and Jaclyn Sinquett. It goes perfectly with strawberry lemonade!
And last, but not least, for my 30th birthday I went on a book crawl to local indie bookstores around my city. I snagged a HC of TRUE BIZ, one of my all timem favorite books! But I also got the second book in THE VANDERBEEKERS series, THE VANDERBEEKERS AND THE HIDDEN GARDEN. So I have some good reads for July.
What are you reading?
I doubt that I will post here in August since I will be recovering from surgery and then jet-setting to Australia (as one does!), but I will be sure to take lots of photos and write for at least 12 minutes a day, hopefully soaking up lots of ideas so I have lots to come back with in September!
Happy writing and reading, friends!
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